Sunday, October 3, 2010

Environemant Quality Act 1974,,sudah tuaa..

Lately ni aku macam rajin jek nak baca sal Environmental Quality Act And Regulations, published 2001..
Aku tertarik tang bila dia ade ckap dalam regulations 3-7, di bawah tajuk EQ ( Schedule Wastes) Regulation 1989. Aku pon pegi la spesifik lg kepada regulations3-6, sume macam telah dipatuhi oleh contractor (company aku) Cuma tang regulations ke 7 tu (Responsibility of waste generator)- every waste generator shall ensure that schedule waste generated by him are PROPERLY stored, treated or delivered to prescribe premise…hayyaakkk…ini memang kene batang hidung sindiri laa..mujur x patah hidung aku jek…actually this regulations is good but diorang sepatutnya beri satu dua cadangn how to store or keep schedule wastes properly bcoz contractor dorang xde baseline yg betul tuk tahu diorang punya schedule waste was stored properly or not..ermm..aku yg penah amik environment pon x penah belajr seblum ni cara nak tau either schedule wastes tu could be considered properly stored o hopefully our DOE try to find out guideline o baseline to keep schedule wastes in a good condition. Kalau dilihat di workshop site aku tuh, schedule wastes dalam keadaan baik tp bila DOE datang audit diorang kata our schedule wastes not properly stored. Adeii..abis 2 kene kompaun rm2000..ape ni…huhuhu
Aku dapat tau serba sedikit tempat penyimpanan schedule wastes must coverd with concrit floor , wall and should have a shelter to make sure time ujan xde yang terkena air hujan n bercampur air hujan..isnt it enuf? It can be considered as a good storage? Plss DOE or any environmental consultant , jangn duk tunjuk bagus depan meeting je, but help me to solve this..huhhuhu